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Showing posts with the label breastfeeding

Formula? BreastMilk

Did I feed my kid Formula or BreastMilk? In my journey of motherhood, the first three days were difficult for feeding.  I had given formula for two days. Wish I had known about the kangaroo feeding method which I could have used for getting the golden hours of milk. Kangaroo process-  The baby and mom get ample amount of skin to skin and the baby is held by someone and made him feed. I feed my kid BreastMilk till the age of 2  and a half years. It was worth the journey and the bonding. Research says no other food or milk can give the kid required nutrition other than BreastMilk. Does that mean, the mother who feeds formula is less of the mother? Absolutely No!  The mother who is breastfeeding or formula feeding has the same amount of love for their kid. There might be various reasons why the kid is formula feed- 1. Mother's health 2.Tongue-tie 3. Allergic to milk 4.  Flat nipple 5. Averted nipple and many more. It doesn't make the motherless of the mother. The k...

And The Stomach Grunts Again🙄🤔

Is breastfeeding making you more hungry and thirsty all the time?  Always thinking what should you eat next? Breastfeeding has all sorts of benefits for both mom and the baby. Breast milk is very nutritious and contains most of the nutrients your baby needs for the first 6 months.  Breastfeeding burns more fats than any other exercise could. Therefore, your needs for most nutrients are increased in order to meet this demand. Do eat, don't think about your body shape or post-pregnancy weight. It will shred when the time comes. Post-pregnancy, the nights are always long and the day quite a bit sleepy. So, if you are awake the whole night feeding your baby, you definitely must be feeling hungry and thirsty most of the time. It is incredibly important to eat healthy while breastfeeding. Healthy eating will also give you the energy you need to take care of yourself and your baby. You also have an increased need for most nutrients, so it's very important to...