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Showing posts with the label manners

Toddler saying thank you and sorry?

The three magical words? Am I talking about I love you or something else, confused right. No, I am not talking about I love you. What I am writing today about is the three magical words which are 1. Please 2. Sorry 3. Thank you Do we expect someone to say these words when the situation arises, if yes do we ourself say it. If yes that's wonderful to hear and understand why you would expect the same. Now my question, is do we expect our children to say these words. Yes we do always expect them to say sorry or thank you or please, time and when required. So, how do we teach them to say those words. These words are magical because they convey empathy which is the only thing which connects emotions with other person. Children learn from what they hear, you don't have to teach them. There are so many instances I have had my foot in my mouth, I forget my toddler is listening to what I am saying. He picks up all those wrong words first. I wonder and promise myself to be more aware abou